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Empowerment Groups

A 4-month mindful empowerment group for those committed to a better life and world 

Image by Kymberley Carter-Paige
'Heluar' (el-oo-ah) ...
... is a special Brazilian portuguese word meaning 'to gaze at the moon' in a way that brings peace, renewal, and connection.

This is the aim of the Heluar empowerment group. To connect with the wisdom of astrological cycles for deeper peace, creative potential, and communal support to live in new ways we know we must. 


In these unprecedented times, we are called to take unprecedented steps for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our communities, and for our Earth. Change in the collective begins with change in the individual. 


We follow the lunar cycles, learning from astrological & earthly wisdom traditions to open to our highest potentials, ground our visions, and bring in the new world we know in our hearts is possible. 


This group is for you if....


You are re-assessing your lifestyle, goals, and community. You've decided you want something different - maybe a lot different, maybe just a little bit. You want to deepen in your connections with others - to become a better partner, a better friend, a better family member, a better relative of nature.... a better human. You want to find, connect to, and live your spiritual truth. You're ready to cultivate a deep inner knowing, and live from that knowing.


This group celebrates diversity in all it's forms - we welcome all races, all sexual and gender identities, all spiritual/religious beliefs, all ability levels, all backgrounds, and all lifestyles. We believe, like nature, that diversity makes us stronger and richer. 

Who should join?

Artwork: Maura Dwyer

"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures"

What's Involved....


Each Heluar group consists of only 5 participants, plus Eli, who meet for a 90-minute group call ​once a week for 4 months (18 weeks). Once a month, one of the calls is a New Moon Ceremony.


The ceremony is at the normal time of the weekly call, but is 2.5 hours long and is more structured than other weeks. Lua Nova nights focus on reflection and integrating the astrological lessons of that new moon.


The ceremony call includes a special New Moon Box that group members order in physical or digital form. Boxes include the following things: 

What's Involved

New Moon Boxes 

Supplies & suggestions for ceremonial reflection on the night of the New Moon. Items are specific to the astrology sign that the moon is in that month.​


Contents change slightly from month to month, but generally include special items to set a space and honor the wisdom & gifts of the Earth. 


  • A collectible card expressing the essence of that astrological sign. When you collect each card, you have an Astro Wisdom Oracle Card set!

  • A delicious herbal tea mix (Made specially by The Herb Stop)

  • DoTerra Essential Oil sample

  • A nature-based item

  • An elemental tool for the ceremony (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)

  • Reflective writing prompts: personal, emotional, spiritual, professional, global, etc. Will include themes of current astrology


Boxes are bought through the initial group deposit. Digital versions are available for a discount.

New Moon Boxes
Date & Registration

Next group dates:


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About the group host, Eli McCutchen


Hi, I'm Eli, a Bodyworker/Massage Therapist, Astrology Coach, Youth programs coordinator, and Permaculture nerd based in Boulder, CO. My calling in life is to help people connect with their higher selves, to facilitate communication, and to be a catalyst for peace. For more than 11 years my work has focused on healing the body through massage therapy, engaging the mind through astrology, and bringing a greater state of be-ing in the Spirit though experiential groups & retreats​ for youth and adults. 


The chaos and creative potential of the pandemic has inspired me to stop living in ways that are against myself and the planet. I am listening to my gut / intuition more than ever before. I'm making changes to my lifestyle and livelihood to be more connected with Spirit as a way of life. The spirit & idea of Heluar planted itself in me in late August 2019. Nine months later, when quarantine orders lifted, this group was ready to be born. Will you be a part of this vision and the new world we know is possible?

Investments & Paying it Forward


By joining this group you're making an invaluable investment in your personal power and our collective state of being (and future!). This requires an exchange of time, money, and presence. 


Please do not let finances deter you from joining - just contact me and we'll work something out. 

Payment plans may be available. 


7% of the New Moon Box proceeds go to organizations doing powerful grass-roots work for well-being of people and the planet.

Each meeting is $35,

billed monthly through Venmo or an invoice.


An initial deposit of $200 is due at registration.

Lua Nova


New Moon Boxes will ship to you during the first week of each month. Physical boxes are $50 and are paid at registration as the initial deposit. 



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Heluar Members get a 31% discount on bodywork, astrology readings, and Souljourner products! This discount lasts for the duration of your group participation.

Eco & socio




Covid has placed me on huge pause, and made me take a real hard look at my current life: I work a dream job at one of my favorite non-profits, something I worked, prayed, manifested so hard for... Only to realize nearly two years into it that it is not assisting me to grow towards my true potential or passions or "true gifts." I yearn to work with Youth and Environmental Issues.


While I take steps professionally to make the transition, I know that I have some inner work and self growth to commit to. I know I need a new element to my self-pursuits and education. To receive the quality I am searching for, I need to pay an investment in myself, and have accountability in my educational and self-development pursuits!


I appreciate that this group will take time to learn and grow through exploring body movement, ideal foods and teas to consume, meditative journaling, and the weekly calls with other participants. 


Knowing Eli through nature-based young adult programs, I've seen her as an exemplary team member and leader. I have full trust and interest to receive the education Eli is curating and willing to pass on to us in the Heluar groups.

                                                                             - Maram Ashe,

Atlanta, GA.    

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